Monday, 12 May 2014

PDF⋙ Potential Field Geophysics: Interpretation Techniques by Essam Aboud

Potential Field Geophysics: Interpretation Techniques by Essam Aboud

Potential Field Geophysics: Interpretation Techniques

Potential Field Geophysics: Interpretation Techniques by Essam Aboud PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The prime purpose of this book is to present the basic principles of magnetic method as an exploration method for hydrocarbon, mineral, geothermal, and archaeological exploration. Several techniques were used to interpret the magnetic data. The context of this book will deal with two basic methods, Euler deconvolution and analytic signal method. The reader will realizes that the integration between both methods always leads to good results. Additionally, development in the applications of these methods improve the integration and help much in imaging the target.

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