Saturday, 6 December 2014

PDF⋙ Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933

Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933

Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933

Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This lavishly illustrated book examines Berlin in depth during a period of explosive growth between the two world wars. Between 1871 and 1919, the population of Berlin quadrupled,
and the city became the political center of Germany, as well as the turbulent crossroads of the modern age. This was reflected in the work of artists, directors, writers, and critics of the time. As an imperial capital, Berlin was the site of violent political revolution and radical aesthetic innovation. After the German
defeat in World War I, artists employed collage to challenge
traditional concepts of art. Berlin Dadaists reflected upon
the horrors of war, and the terrors of revolution and civil war.
Between 1924 and 1929 as the spirit of modernity took hold,
jazz, posters, magazines, advertisements, and cinema played
a central role in the development of Berlin's urban experience.
The concept of the "Neue Frau"--the modern, emancipated
woman-helped move the city in a new direction. Finally, Berlin
became a stage for political confrontation between the left
and the right and was deeply affected by the economic crisis
and mass unemployment at the end of the 1920s. This book
explores in numerous essays and illustrations the artistic,
cultural, and social upheavals in Berlin between 1918 and 1933,
and places them in a broader historical framework.

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